The main equipments used during Legs Workout includes, The Squat Rack and the Leg Extension. Within a small area, we have to make sure we have enough space for the positioning of the squat rack so that there is no obstructing while executing the squats movement. The Legs Extension which is attached to the weight bench would take up a pretty long "length". Therefore, the positioning of the equipments within a small area is very important. Read on to find out how the equipments are being arranged in my Home Gym for a Legs Workout.
My Legs Workout routine is as follows:
1) Squats
2) Barbell Calf Raise
3) Legs Extension
4) Dumbbell Lunges
The Home Gym equipments are arranged as seen in the pictures below.
Legs Workout Arrangement View 1 |
Legs Workout Arrangement View 2
The equipments are in this arrangment for the first 3 exercises. Afterwhich, for the Dumbbell Lunges, the squat stand are moved to one side. The exercise is then able to be executed with much space.The above post covers how a full Legs Workout can be carried out in a Home Gym with simple equipments.
Next post will be on the last body part, the back.........Stay Tune!!!!