Singapore Home Gym

Singapore Home Gym

Friday 19 April 2013

Singapore Home Gym Undergoes Renovation Part III: Same Colour Same Shade

When there's a gym, there's a mirror. That's the same for a Home Gym too!
A mirror in the gym serve many purposes, from allowing "vain" gym-ers to look into the mirror while flexing their biceps to allowing gym-ers to monitor their form when doing the exercises. 

For our home gym, being on a budget, we got 3x $9.90 half length mirror from Ikea. From the previous posts, you can see that the frame of the mirrors are in brown, that just does'nt match the theme and colour of our home gym equipments. So we decided to give it a little make over to help it blend into the home gym surroundings.

All you need is a tin of black paint, a brush and sand paper.

Remember to sand the surface of the frame before applying the paint onto it.

Tape up sides of the mirror to prevent paint from staining the mirror.

And there you go, all three mirror'frame painted and left to dry.

After the paint has dried, slowly remove the tape from the mirror.

Look how well the black frame mirrors look in our home gym. Black frame mirrors and grey colored Power Cage makes a good combination

This is a small little DIY that we did to improve the overall look of our home gym. Too many colours will actually make the home gym look messy. 

Next, we will start introducing the many different small equipments that we have added to our home gym. Want to find out what these equipments are? Stay tune!