Singapore Home Gym

Singapore Home Gym

Sunday 15 September 2013

New Addition: The Fat Gripz

Hi guys,

We are so sorry for the lack of posts recently.
We are back with new post today!

The new addition that we have for our home gym is the Fat Gripz!

The Fat Gripz may not be an entirely "new" addition to our home gym, or rather to any gym out there. Why do we say so?

The Fat Gripz is'nt exactly a new kind of equipment or machine that allows you to train differently, it is an addition to the existing equipments that gymers have been using all these while, the barbell, dumbell and any equipments.

The fat gripz can be attached to any barbells or dumbells or any handles for use. The basic use of the fat gripz is to allow you to train like you are using a fat bar, without having to purchase a new fat bar for use. 

A complete review of the fat gripz will be posted in future posts. (We need to use them for some time before we can give it a review based on our experiences with it)

So stay tune for our new series of posts for our blog!

The new series will be posted after we are one with introduing the ever increasing range of our home gym equipments.

1 comment:

  1. who the fuck is "we'? There is no "we"...only one person writing this blog skinny mother fucker cutler wanabee staying with stop with the we, makes you look like a fucktard
